
Last updated: Aug 12th, 2024

This is what I'm doing now.

Inspired by


Levelling up

I've taken up two new projects, growing the scope of my freelance design career.

  1. Visual design for a production house with an interesting take on storytelling.

I'm having a lot of fun with this right now. Visual design is perfect for me to go all out with my creative energy!

  1. Industrial Design: A premium line of hand tools.

A great opportunity to put the knowledge and skills I've gained from my time at Mantra to the test.

On the Hunt!

I graduated with a diploma in Automotive Design & Research from Mantra Academy in February 2024. While I gained extensive "hard" skills to develop a project from an idea to a finished output, what truly impacted me was the realization that I have the power to build things. As a designer, that was the most impactful lesson I learned.

Now, I'm eager to put my newly attained skills and experience to the test. My current aim is to design for Connection, Motion, and Perception. The 'how' of it all is unclear to me at the moment, but for now, they serve as my north star. Since you're here, why don't you check out my work?


Making my home on the web

It's been long overdue for me to have my very own personal website. We live in a digital age, and not having a website made me feel like a vagabond, a wanderer with no place to call my own. Not anymore. Welcome to my home.

Shout out to Derek Sivers, for encouraging everyone to create a now page and for introducing me to...

Herman Martinus, the creator of, a fast and lightweight blogging platform. Just enough for the bear necessities ;)

A monthly newsletter

I've been thinking of writing a newsletter to keep my friends and family updated on what I've been up to and how things are going for me. I'm not active on social media so this seems like a great way to keep in touch. I can also share my /now page when I've made an update. Haha! This is great :)